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"Marketing Is No Longer About The Stuff That You Make,But About The Stories You Tell"
-Seth Godin-

Category: Business

June 22, 2020 - By 5 min Read

How to create an Instagram Account for Sri Lankan businesses

Wondering whether to start up an Instagram business account or not? Let’s start with some global statistics so that you can convince yourself. Take a…

June 17, 2020 - By 5 min Read

How to create a Facebook Page for a Sri Lankan business

Is it really necessary to have a Facebook page for a Sri Lankan business? consider that 2.5 billion people use Facebook every month, and more…

January 8, 2019 - By 6 min Read

Digital Marketing for a Restaurant

The Restaurant Industry. The restaurant industry is one of the most popular industries in the Sri Lankan Market or any other country on the planet.…

December 21, 2018 - By 3 min Read

The Importance of Storytelling in Business

I love stories. I mean who doesn’t? We’ve all enjoying storytelling time by our grandparents, parents or even friends when they have something great to…

November 16, 2018 - By 5 min Read

Whatsapp for Sri Lankan Businesses

I use Whatsapp for more than 3 hours a day. How many do you? Whatsapp since its inception in 2009 has grown to become the…

October 26, 2018 - By 5 min Read

#3. Starting Something: The Survey

After quite a few minutes of discussion, Manoth, Thilina, Eshan and I decided to carry out the survey at a popular spot in Colombo. Majestic…

October 19, 2018 - By 6 min Read

Top E-mail Marketing Platforms for Sri Lankan Businesses

Email marketing is the oldest form of digital marketing starting 40 years ago from 1978 by Gary Thuerk who concluded the first Email marketing campaign…

October 17, 2018 - By 3 min Read

#2. Starting Something: In the Conference Room

Howdy Howdy Howdy! Chapter 2 focuses on choosing a product for the website and initiating a survey to have an idea about the statistics of…

October 12, 2018 - By 2 min Read

#1. Starting Something

  PROLOGUE  Our Founder and CEO of DoMedia, Thilina purchased a domain named almost a year ago, intending to start an E-commerce website. However…

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