Chanux Bro is Sri Lanka’s top Tech reviewer and a Software Engineer & Social Media Consultant by profession. Like Bruno Mars, whose real name is Peter Gene Hernandez and prefers to have his real identity private ,Chanux Bro does not wish to reveal his name. A SLIIT (Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology) Alumnus he initially started his YouTube channel to upload his music but later due to the request of his friends, he began creating videos to describe technology and software related issues. With keen interest in educating the younger generation, he initiated another channel named “Chanux Academy” which has educational content on computer programming in Sinhala. Of the 23 playlists in his YouTube channel the “Sinhala Geek Show” and the “Sinhala Geek Review” playlists have been the most popular of the lot.

Chanux has won the following awards in the social media arena:

  • Most popular social media personality in Sri Lanka (Etisalat Awards)
  • Most popular YouTuber in Sri Lanka (Etisalat Awards)
  • Most popular educational Vlogger in Sri Lanka (Etisalat Awards)
  • Youtube Silver Play Button Award
  • Most Popular YouTuber (Google I/O Award)



I was lucky to have an interview with Chanux Bro over the phone who took part in the interview with much enthusiasm despite his work schedule. I tend to talk too much…. Let’s start with the interview without further delay. 



1. What is your real name? A frequent question among your viewers. Would you like to share it with us? (I asked this question even though I knew he wouldn’t answer)

(laughs)😂 No, I prefer not to reveal my name.


2. When you were a child, what was your ambition?

I didn’t have anything as such, I just wanted to share my knowledge with everyone.


3.  Many youngsters would love to know the answer to this question. Were you a good student back in your school days?

Good Question. Yes, I was. I studied really hard and well. I was very close with my IT and Music Teacher. Good education is one of the key factors to who I am today. To the youngsters out there, do focus on your studies. It is a valuable gift.


4. Who is your role model?

Uhmm… Chris Prillo. A YouTuber. He was the one who inspired me to who I am today.


5. What advice do you give your younger self?

Uhmm…. Do what you love. I did what I loved and that is why I have accomplished all of this.


6. What are you afraid of?

Well, I am afraid of the dark, and heights (laughs)😂


7. Where do you think you will be today if you didn’t start YouTubing?

I would be a simple software engineer. Having the normal experience of working at an office.

I am glad I have done something more which has made me happy.


8. If you wanted a superpower, what would it be?

(laughs)😂 I don’t know. I’m pretty content without superpowers.


9. What type of music do you like?

I like Sri Lankan Classical Music. I like songs from musicians like Victor Rathnayake,Milton Mallawarachchi and Clarence Wijewardena.


10. What is your favourite song?

Well I don’t have anything of that sort, there are a lot of songs I love. I used to play in a band when I was much younger. I played the Bass Guitar and the octapad. Good Old days….


11. If there is one plays you would love to visit again and again where would it be?

I would love to go to Nuwara Eliya. I simply love the weather and the atmosphere there.


12. What do you do when you are not working?

I love going out to various restaurants to try their cuisines. I also enjoy playing the guitar.


13. What is the strangest food you have tasted?

Well nothing of that sort yet. (laughs)😂


14. What’s your favourite breakfast food?

Well I love having bread, avocado and tomato salad for my breakfast.


15. Are there any sports you enjoy watching?

Well nothing at all. I don’t enjoy sports that much.


16. Any embarrassing childhood story you would like to share with us?

No (laughs)😂. It’s actually that I do not remember anything. (laughs more)😂


17. Do you have a message for youngsters?

Turn your hobbies into your jobs, you will surely not be bored and very content with what you are doing.


18. Do you have any questions for us at DoMedia?

Well I do not have any questions, but if possible please give a helping hand to YouTubers in Sri Lanka. Support them. 

Chanux Bro proves to be a selfless individual who promotes individuals who are aspiring to be professional Youtubers in Sri Lanka and also loves supporting those who need help to become a Youtuber. I thank Chanux for his time and wish him all the very best for his future endeavors.


For more reading:Top 5 Youtube Tech Channels in Sri Lanka For Influencer Marketing (2018) 




Tony Jesuthasan✌🏾

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